Whirly-Girls Fundraisers: Silent Auction and Raffle
The Whirly-Girls are grateful to our generous sponsors for their support of our diverse scholarship program. (Read more about our scholarship program here.)
The Whirly-Girls organization also funds several scholarships annually from membership dues, donations, proceeds from sales at our booth at HAI HELI-EXPO, and from our main fundraisers: the Silent Auction and raffle.
The Silent Auction is hosted online so attendees at HAI HELI-EXPO can participate, as well as those who sign on from home. Auction items often include vacation packages, art and jewelry, flight suits and equipment, books and clothes, gift baskets, and other items.
The raffle takes place on the last day of HAI HELI-EXPO and includes a range of terrific items. Tickets can be purchased throughout the week at the expo.
Would you or someone you know like to donate items high quality items to our Silent Auction and/or raffle? Please contact our Executive Director at executivedirector@whirlygirls.org for more details. All donors will get online recognition via our social media platforms and the auction site itself, and donations may be tax-deductible.