Join the Whirly-Girls

Click on the questions below to find your membership category:

Are you a female rated helicopter pilot?
Join the Whirly-Girls as a member.
The initial membership fee is $75, and annual renewals are $50.
Are you a female helicopter pilot who is/was a member of the military?
Join the Whirly-Girls at a discount.
The initial membership fee is $50, and annual renewals are $50.
Are you a female helicopter pilot who would like to become a lifetime member of the Whirly-Girls?
You can become a lifetime member here for a single fee of $1200.
Are you a student pilot? A member of the helicopter industry? Or someone who wants to support our organization and receive newsletters and updates?
There are three types of Associate memberships: student, industry professional, and individual supporter. All categories receive regular updates and our Collective Pitch newsletter.

You can join the Whirly-Girls as a student associate member here.

You can join the Whirly-Girls as an industry professional associate member here.

You can join the Whirly-Girls as an individual supporter associate member here.

The initial membership fee is $25, and annual renewals are also $25.
Are you an Associate who would like a lifetime membership?
Are you a business that would like a corporate membership?

Remember: you don't have to complete your membership application in one sitting.

You can press the Save button, and come back later to finish and submit the application.
Click here to complete your membership application.