September is WHOW Month
In 2010, WG#1518 Michelle Parkington introduced the idea of Women Hovering Over the World (WHOW), a day in the fall when Whirly-Girls could get together in local “hoverings.” Especially for women who can’t attend our organizational events at HAI HELI-EXPO, regional meetings are a great way to encourage Whirly-Girls to get together, share experiences and information, encourage each other, and have fun.
We invite Whirly-Girls around the globe to celebrate September as Whirly-Girls WHOW month. Invite local Whirly-Girls and friends to meet at a coffee shop, local restaurant, museum, or other convenient location. If you need contact information for local members, or are planning an event in your area, email the webmaster at webmaster@whirlygirls.org.
Want to hold a hovering but don’t know what to do? Contact our VP of Membership at membership@whirlygirls.org.
Please log in so you can be able to register for the events and see all additional details.