Wildlife Conservation Webinar March 10
Ursina Rusch, a South African associate member, will speak on wildlife conservation involving helicopters. Whirly-Girl #1715 and scholarship recipient Adele Dobler will be the host/moderator for this event.
Ursina Rusch is a wildlife conservationist working for the WWF South Africa Black Rhino Range Expansion Project. She was raised in Northern Ontario, Canada with a keen interest in wildlife and aviation. She moved to South Africa in 2010 to study zoology and has worked with black rhinos over the past 7 years, focusing on rhino translocations and population management.
A stint of rhino monitoring with an airplane in Malawi inspired her to begin her flying journey. She holds a private airplane license and is currently hour building with an anti-poaching wing towards her commercial, with the goal of obtaining private and commercial helicopter licenses thereafter, with the goal of flying as a wildlife capture pilot. She has extensive experience in capture operations of a variety of African wildlife and has been instrumental in the use of AS350 Astar helicopters to airlift black rhinos for translocations.
Please join us!
Topic: Wildlife Conservation Webinar with Ursina Rusch
Time: March 10, 2023, noon Eastern time.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 725 2115 2151
Passcode: KJPQ1z
Photo of the 200th rhino moved by the WWF South Africa Black Rhino Range Expansion Project courtesy of the WWF and Mickey Wiswedel.