2023 Annual Awards Banquet

PAR-Tee with the Whirly-Girls in Atlanta!

Celebrate our scholarship recipients at the 2023 Whirly-Girls Annual Awards Banquet. We’ll also announce the Emeritus Circle Volunteer and Livingston Lifetime Achievement awards.

Where is the event?
Apollo Ballroom
The American Hotel Atlanta Downtown
160 Ted Turner Dr NW
Atlanta, Georgia  30303

What’s the theme?
Golfing! “The Peachtree Par-Tee” will pay homage to pillars of both Georgia state industry and recreation. You are welcome to wear your favorite golfing attire, or the usual cocktail or dressy business-casual attire will do.

When does it start?
Cocktails start at 5:30 pm, and the banquet will start at 6:45 pm.

What’s for dinner?
Attendees have a choice of four entrees:

– Thyme-Roasted Springer Mountain Chicken Breast
– Seared Salmon
– Chef’s Choice Vegetarian Entree
– Chef’s Choice Vegan Entree

How much are tickets?
Individual tickets are $95 each.
You can reserve a table of 8 tickets for $1200. A table comes with two bottles of wine.
Corporate members may reserve a table of 8 tickets for the reduced price of $950.

What’s the deadline for buying banquet tickets?
The deadline for ticket purchases was midnight on Sunday, February 19.

I still have questions. What do I do?
You can email our VP of Operations at operations@whirlygirls.org.

The event is finished.


Mar 05 2023


Eastern Time
5:30 pm - 11:00 pm

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Whirly-Girls International