Annual Awards Banquet and Education Day

The Whirly-Girls annual business meeting typically takes place the day after the banquet on our education day. The Board of Directors discusses the activities of the past year, plans for the future, and the budget. The annual election takes place, and new board members are welcomed. During the Q&A period, members can ask questions directly of board members.

An educational seminar or panel discussion follows the board meeting. Past speakers have addressed careers in the military, how to perform mountain operations safely, autorotational techniques, and more.

The annual hovering is the last hosted event of the day. Whirly-Girls and friends gather and talk about what they've been up to in the past year. It's a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones.

Stay tuned for more details about our next banquet and education day events. You can find out what's coming up by checking our calendar.